Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Worst Years

Fresh Princess
The Worst Years of Our Lives
            The way humans have searched for joy and entertainment has changed throughout history. Back in the ancient civilizations, the Greeks would put on plays, or the Romans would have chariot wars as a source of thrill. Over time, these different forms of entertainment have changed. Our grandparents most likely were raised without a television, or any kind of “advanced” technology we have now. The statement made by Barbara Ehrenreich is relatable to everyone’s lives. We have disconnected ourselves from the real world, only to be integrated in a false world in which real-life situations are not as common.
          Our source of entertainment now is most applicable to technology. We yearn for the consuming distraction given by the social media. Chi ldren that are the age of seven have cellular devices and own multiple social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter. These are the prime examples of why things need to change. At the age of five or even ten, I never even thought of owning a social media page, all that ran through my head was what snack I would get once I would arrive home, or if my neighbor would come out and play with me. Most of the innocent thoughts a child has at this age are being crushed and brushed aside with the new thoughts such as "how many likes with this receive?" Children and even adults do not understand the concept hidden behind social media and it's negative aspects. As we continue with our daily routines, we do not even realize we are stuck in a never ending cycle. We tend to go home after work or school and eat and watch television or check our Twitter, all while eating. Instead of interacting with her family members during this time, we have lost most of the significance of eating at the dinner table as a family. The things we lost our hard to earn back again. If our mother speaks to us during a meal but we are too busy at Miley Cyrus's new scandalous act, we lose our connection eventually.  Television and social media we're not meant to disconnect us from the real world, on the contrary, both were meant to connect us to the rest of the world.
            Barbara Ehrenreich is giving a valid point from my perspective. We have lost most of her family values, that we never even witness the fake television characters doing what we do, because it is such a waste of time. What is aired on television television is only the juicy entertain about things people want to see, or listen about.  No one is interested if you watch the entire season of Grey's Anatomy. That is not something that is going to be aired because it won't attract the attention of anyone. The media only wants to get our attention and money. That is its sole purpose.
          While we continue to waste your money and time the business companies continue to feast on our boredom and search for new forms of entertainment. We will not be able to watch a video of ourselves watching television for three hours straight. No one would be able to and if we tried, we would ''change" the channel. So if we ourselves cannot do it, why should we waste this amount of precious time doing so? Hopefully over time we will seek a new form of entertainment that will that will reunite us to our families and the world once again. With luck we should be able to become a productive world once again. There's hope, we just need the motivation  and inspiration to do so.

1 comment:

  1. This essay on "The Worst Years of Out Lives", creates and states a straightforward, clearly organized opinion on Barbara Echrenreich's comments on today's use of technology and such. The connection, or rather, lack of connection to the "real world" is mentioned as it is mostly caused by the consuming effect that technology has on modern society. The thesis is made clear in the introductory paragraph, and is well supported throughout the essay. One factor that could be changed is the removal of the use of first person, as it is usually not recommended in an essay written with academic language. However, the essay is very well written and succinct.
