Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Question 2

Period 4
AP Language

Question 2 Revised

            What change can someone make if they are too busy looking for faults in someone else's goals, that they can not see their own?  Due to the rapid and dangerous changes in our home, also known as Earth, it is now receiving help from many people such as environmentalists. They are now raising awareness for the conservation and protection of our planet. These environmentalists not only face the  hard task of protecting endangered species, creating acts to conserve the earth, and becoming more ecologically friendly to save Earth, but everyone who lives on it, they unfortunately face the dready constant nagging and critics of the anti-environmentalists. Both environmentalist and the anti-environmentalists are constantly head to head, bumping into each other when they try to follow what they believe is for the best. Unfortunately, the constant butting has abated the sole purpose they both serve. The media is now portraying them as naggers, rather than the world innovators like they aspire to be.

            The Industrial Revolution took a great toll on all those living on earth especially in England, during the mid-1800s. This revolution caused the lives of women change, as they now left their comfortable secure homes, in order to venture out into the real world. They search major cities for jobs in factories, leading them to abandon their stereo typical role as caregivers, to the strong woman who faced challenges to support their family. As the production of machines and the population boomed, we saw the spike of carbon dioxide office rise significantly as well. Not only does affect the earth's ozone layer and also negatively affect us. At a certain point, at around 3 billion years ago, there was no ozone layer nor was there life on earth. Once the earth did evolve enough to develop life and able to survive, life evolved  all up to the point to where we are to it. This is now a sick irony since it is now us, who are destroying in, in turn destroying ourselves.

            The stereotypes made against eco friendly people is quite harsh. Edward O. Wilson's satire displays how the anti-environmentalists portrays the people who are not only trying to save the environment, but also trying to save the big narcissistic corporate heads who sleep, eat, and dream about money. Even if it means harming our planet. "They want environmental laws and regulatory surveillance to create government supported jobs for the kind of bureaucrats, lawyers and consultants."..."what's at stake as they busy themselves are your two dollars and mine and ultimately our freedom too." This is what anti environmentalists believe of environmentalists. They believe they are claiming to help the environment but in reality stealing the corporate big heads  money! Ridiculous, how do you assume that they are the stealers when they're doing everything possible to preserve our home.

            On the other hand, Wilson depicted environmentalists as caring and passionate people who will fight for what they believe in. "They keep the right-wing political agenda mostly head and one downgrading climate change in species extinction, but for them economic growth is always ultimate, and maybe the only good."  Environmentalists push past all the negativity, to expose with these corporate want money and power! Conservation is never something they discuss it in the notorious meetings, but money is definitely a topic. "In America the right wings have made the word "conservative" a mockery. What exactly are they trying to conserve? Their own selfish interests, for sure, but not the natural environment."
It seemed to be a backlash against the success of environmentalists in raising public concern and pressuring governments to protect the environment. It is very unfortunate that they are educated but very ignorant.

            Wilson depicts their opposing views in a negative tone. They have the anti-environmentalists and environmentalists who bicker constantly, that they are forgetting why they're bickering. All differences put aside, our preservation is far more important than
economic reasoning. Our conservation of the world we live in is not something we want to forget. We need to protect and conserve our home before we have no home.

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